
Go Teens (10-16)

Our mission is to progress teens’ level of English through the year in the most intense way possible. We start by testing their ability at entry using standard Cambridge Qualification testing. Then they get qualified to one of the following groups depending on their proficiency level:

KET Level

Students can ask and answer questions about themselves and others, they understand announcements and instructions when people are slow and clear speakers, tell others what they think about something they read or hear.

PET Level

Students can write a personal letter, take notes from a meeting or discussion, express likes and dislikes and discuss them with others, understand spoken and written announcements and instructions.

FCE Level

Students have the ability to write short reports and emails, explain an idea or have a detailed discussion in English, they understand general English on TV and in newspapers.

CAE Level

Students write complex reports and emails, take notes in meetings or lectures, give presentations on complicated ideas in English, understand a variety of texts from fiction to newspaper opinion pieces.

CPE Level

Students understand almost everything you hear or read in English, they use and understand formal, academic and colloquial language, are able to negotiate, argue and discuss the subtle issues of complex subjects.

We qualify to learning groups not only based on age but we combine age with current skills and abilities. Those are then again tested towards year end with Cambridge Qualification testing.

Our program, fully based on immersion philosophy follows Cambridge Qualification curriculum and is run twice a week for 55 minutes in small groups of 2-8students.